Peter Jackson's King Kong came out in 2005, and we're finally getting a new film from him in a few months. King Kong is a rare non-evil remake, produced because of Jackson's long-held love for the original rather than studio executives, in a dark room, chanting "money money money" over and over in front of a mirror while holding a candle and turning in circles until Michael Bay appears.
I'm pretty sure that's how one summons that guy, anyway.
Now Jackson has made The Lovely Bones, based on Alice Sebold's heartbreaking novel. It's a novel narrated by a 14 year old girl, who watches her family and murderer after her death.
There's a trailer out. You might be able to find it on YouTube but Apple seems to have an exclusive on it so those will be taken down. Studios don't like people to advertise their movie for free without their permission, so stop breaching their intellectual rights, thieves!
It gives stuff away. The killer is never a mystery, so the reveal in the trailer is not a spoiler. The trailer does show some pretty late-in-the-story stuff.
Also, it's an artless mess.
It starts out looking like a family drama, before we are told it's about a girl's murder, by the girl herself. Gear shift! We're now in some technicolour, fantasy-world heaven which for the most part looks pretty, and also contains a superimposed flower on some ice for some reason.
Then suddenly it's Zodiac mixed with a Rear Window knockoff, with a dash of "I know who killed my daughter!" melodrama.
This doesn't bode ill for the film. A bit of dodgy CG imagery is forgivable this long before release; just think of how bad Kong looked in the early trailers for that film compared with the final version. It does, however, speak poorly for the hacks at Paramount who cut the trailer. Sure, New Line have fucked over Jackson in the past, but they've never made his films look bad to the extent that this trailer does.
A great story shot by a great director, though. There's no need to worry, unless the person who conceptualised this trailer gets a deal to make their own film.
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