More proper reviews to come; here's a special one in the meantime.
The Guy Sitting Next to Me During Che
Sydney's State Theatre is a fantastic venue, ornate and huge; inside, it's difficult to believe such a cavern can fit into the city's CBD. It not, however, the most comfortable of venues. Multiplexes such as the nearby Greater Union have a lot less going for them aesthetically, but for the two part, four hour experience that is Steven Soderbergh's Che, one almost wishes for a more comfortable, if tackier, venue. One also wishes not to be seated next to a hippopotamus.
Hippoman provided an interesting and unpredictable cinema experience. Many questions were raised during the time seated next to him. What is that noise he's making? Will he cover his mouth next time he coughs? How far into my seat is he capable of spilling? The answers: it wasn't clear; if he felt like it; as far as he pleased.
Not everything about him was discovered. Hippoman wore a jaunty hat, and his moustache was trimmed. He took care of these aspects of his appearance, and yet not his most noticeable flaw: his girth. During intermission, he left behind the bag with the name of the store from which he had bought his feed: Sugar Fix. It would perhaps have been more appropriate had his snackage come from Fruit and Vegetable Fix instead.
For all his flaws - his coughing; the snore-like sounds he made despite not being asleep; the picking of his nails; and so on - his phone never rang. He didn't commit the (pun intended) biggest crime of cinemagoing, just a (pun intended) large number of smaller ones. It was almost something to be thankful for. Almost.
The Guy Sitting Next to Me During Che
Sydney's State Theatre is a fantastic venue, ornate and huge; inside, it's difficult to believe such a cavern can fit into the city's CBD. It not, however, the most comfortable of venues. Multiplexes such as the nearby Greater Union have a lot less going for them aesthetically, but for the two part, four hour experience that is Steven Soderbergh's Che, one almost wishes for a more comfortable, if tackier, venue. One also wishes not to be seated next to a hippopotamus.
Hippoman provided an interesting and unpredictable cinema experience. Many questions were raised during the time seated next to him. What is that noise he's making? Will he cover his mouth next time he coughs? How far into my seat is he capable of spilling? The answers: it wasn't clear; if he felt like it; as far as he pleased.
Not everything about him was discovered. Hippoman wore a jaunty hat, and his moustache was trimmed. He took care of these aspects of his appearance, and yet not his most noticeable flaw: his girth. During intermission, he left behind the bag with the name of the store from which he had bought his feed: Sugar Fix. It would perhaps have been more appropriate had his snackage come from Fruit and Vegetable Fix instead.
For all his flaws - his coughing; the snore-like sounds he made despite not being asleep; the picking of his nails; and so on - his phone never rang. He didn't commit the (pun intended) biggest crime of cinemagoing, just a (pun intended) large number of smaller ones. It was almost something to be thankful for. Almost.
This was amazing.