Having finally been discovered, after... er... not posting for an entire month, a quote from my Paranormal Activity review has been put on posters that are up all over the country. "Good luck getting to sleep after this one", and "possibly the scariest movie ever made".
That second quote I didn't actually say. The closest I came to actually saying that was "one of the scariest movies of the decade" or "one of the scariest movies in years". Reading back, I was getting a little repetitive, huh? No matter. "Good luck getting to sleep" is all Gun in the First Act.
Paramount Australia, if you're reading?
I will accept free passes to more of your films, and be your poster-quote whore. I will put Peter Travers to shame. I am metaphorically standing on a street corner in high heels and a short dress for you people, waiting for the tinted windows of your limo to roll down, if it means free passes.
Think about it.
Due to a chronic lack of money and overabundance of brokeness, until tonight, I hadn't been to a movie since early November. Tonight's movie was a free preview of Where the Wild Things Are which I'll totally review soon, I swear. Hence a lack of posting. Well, there are some movies from TIFF yet to be tackled, but I don't have a lot to say about them. An Education was fantastic, but it has been discussed everywhere by everyone, and Women Without Men is Iranian, so I'm not cultured enough to say anything smart about it.
Also I saw The Hangover on a flight back to Sydney and it was pretty overrated. I found myself wanting to know what happened more than wanting to sit through more unamusing gags, so fast-forwarded through the film to get to the end. It strikes as something aimed at people who would non-ironically enjoy Las Vegas. I am not such people.
New Moon also came out. I haven't seen it, but shall review it anyway.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
No matter, though. I shall return to the warm, glowy bosom of cinema very soon.